Laparoscopic Surgeons
Laparoscopic Surgery in Chennai
Looking for Laparoscopic Surgery in Chennai? If yes, then consider our Maaya Women’s Hospital who is expertise and adept in managing the people who come across to get help of fertility treatment and pregnancy-related issues. Our hospital is the only resolution for those kinds of people. We make turn their illness to wellness and making their life to be happy with kids. Most people think is laparoscopic surgery is safe or severe. Before all that let’s know what laparoscopic surgery is. Laparoscopic procedure looks inside the body for medical reasons using an endoscopy, also an instrument is used to examine the interior of a hallow organ or cavity of the body.

A laparoscopy technique entails making one, two, or three small slits in the belly through which the doctor inserts a laparoscope and specialized surgical instruments. A laparoscope is a fiber-optic tube with a light and camera attached to it. In gynecology, laparoscopy allows your doctor to see your abdominal organs and sometimes repair them without having to create a larger incision, which can lead to a longer recovery time and hospital stay. Laparoscopy is done under general anesthetic in a hospital. Before surgery, your doctor will give instructions of how to prepare. You will most likely be ordered not to eat or drink for at least 8 hours before your surgery, and you may be prescribed antibiotics. Then you will be given an IV that will supply fluids and drugs to help you relax. After breathing a sweet-smelling gas for a few minutes, the anesthesiologist will place a mask over your face and you will fall asleep. Following this laparoscopic surgery, our doctor will discuss your choices for becoming pregnant. You might be able to get pregnant on your own if you had fibroids removed or a fallopian tube repaired. In the event of endometriosis or PID, removing scar tissue may also make it easier to conceive without additional treatment. We may offer fertility therapies based on the results of the laparoscopy. To get more advanced and easier painless Laparoscopic Surgery In Kolathur, Chennai, make your choice as Maaya Women’s Hospital at Chennai .